NEW STRINGS OF ENERGY TWANGING IN SOON, just general guidelines, detailed readings available –specifically for you–see SERVICES page at this website, www.paul-darby.co.uk RAT—rise up, work, hugs to newness, boos to frustrations–be rid,,,’gird up your loins’, movement is needed OX—mmm, love surfacing if you want to hold it to you, be ready for quick changes as […]

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During mid September, add ivy to the east of your home, the feng shui sector of growth and ambition, sulphur heart ivy, Marengo varieties are especially good, and small leafed sagitta……symbols of ‘shooting high’, making your demands known…have a potted ivy on your office desk, top left hand corner away from your chair. Ivy is […]

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ADD SUNFLOWERS,,,,,,and get fruity!

Place nine sunflowers in a red vase in the southern feng shui sector of your home. Brightness here attracts connections to the outside world, to solutions and lateral thinking, involvement of experts and advisers. Energy for expansion, happiness, health, radiance and empowerment! Also great in that southern sector right now, in a wooden bowl, cherries, […]

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The energy phase between the new moon, 13th Sept, and the full moon, 28th Sept, is considered to be a great time for making decisions about the future…also a great time for new ventures, new activities–especially any which are connected with drama/music/media/art/photography, and have connections with at least one other country and three people in […]

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FREE STRESSBUSTING and much much more, www.paul-darby.tv

www.paul-darby.tv is a fully free website, with short, simple videos by me, breathing exercises, relaxation exercises—to help you through the stresses of the day. Banish anxiety, get through insomnia, quit smoking, my exercise, my slow breathing and visualisation videos will support you all the way–anytime, anyplace, anywhere, whenever you need me, just use me. And […]

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MABON……night and day……..September on the horizon.

29th of August, full moon settling…leads into September…a time of MABON…..the autumn equinox, counterbalance to Ostara [Easter and birth]. Once again, the wheel of time is moving round, so that night and day are equal, and very soon, the seesaw chi tips towards night more than day. Good energy times in September and October, to […]

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Vine corresponds to the Ogham letter–muhn– heralding a time to come, of harvest and completion. With the end of August and the coming of September, gather around you all your successes, compile, file, smile—–and march forward to newness, using the experiences you have gathered so far this year, Year of the Goat. Grapes, vines, wine […]

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JAPANESE GARDEN DESIGNS……see www.paul-darby.co.uk

one of the specialist services I offer, one of the things I enjoy most, is the designing of a Japanese Garden for a private client, or, a public organisation. I can give you the ‘essence’ of a Japanese garden, within your existing garden. I have studying the subject for many years, and have designed many […]

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AUGUST 2015, a land of new adventures. New moon 14th August, time for deep thought, full moon—–29th August, be brave and resolute!

The full moon of August, the 29th, is known as the CORN MOON…..ripening ideas and plans, as fruit comes to ripens for the first or second time this year. In Choctaw, this is the WOMEN’S MOON……..a time for feminine mysticism and rituals. Take charge, be the leader, show the way. The Dakota Sioux refer to […]

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Awaken the delicious sensuality within, end of July, start of August, first the full moon, a BLUE MOON, 31st July, and then Lammas…….use the sexy scent of Jasmine, as an aroma, as a flavour. Enhance the tingles! Jasmine brings passion, contentment, peace and happiness. Open up to romantic love, tune in to the rich quality […]

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