AUGUST 2015, a land of new adventures. New moon 14th August, time for deep thought, full moon—–29th August, be brave and resolute!

AUGUST 2015, a land of new adventures. New moon 14th August, time for deep thought, full moon—–29th August, be brave and resolute!

The full moon of August, the 29th, is known as the CORN MOON…..ripening ideas and plans, as fruit comes to ripens for the first or second time this year.
In Choctaw, this is the WOMEN’S MOON……..a time for feminine mysticism and rituals. Take charge, be the leader, show the way.

The Dakota Sioux refer to the August full moon as THE MOON WHEN ALL THINGS RIPEN!
August is a great time to sell a house, form a partnership, commit more fully, have a new adventure, take the lead, begin a new job, sign your name to a contract…….mid month is excellent for this, after the new moon of the 14th.

August marks a notable seasonal shift in the chi energy. Growth slows and the focus changes from expansion to consolidation,,,, improving your quality of life through adventurous new changes, new locations, new ideas, new chapters……be as creative as you can throughout August….dance and sing.
Good harvests, good weather.

Keep ideas simple and creative…….something from nothing!
Bright fiery colours of red and yellow work well within the feng shui sectors of east, southeast and south.
END OF AUGUST, time of the HUNGRY GHOSTS in China……..a time to honour the ancestors, to perform cleansing rituals. Support the feng shui sectors of the northwest and west with small and empty brass/copper bowls and vases for strength and protection. Visit the graves of family, friends, loved ones……clean them, make your wishes, give them your love, then, move on—–to advance bravely towards your dreams.

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