Samhain is the final harvest…… is the Celtic New Year.
Now, whatever has not been harvested, must be left in the fields…….whatever that is left unsorted over the next few days and weeks, will stay as a stain, rotting ‘matter’ affecting your future…the energies of next year and beyond.
Clear the fields, sweep the decks, be rid of long nagging issues which have repeatedly blighted your life, maybe for many years. You have told yourself to continue, it will be ok, but, it will not………end it, drop the curtains, and move away from the ‘trouble doubling’.
Now is the time for decisions, new plans, new ways……….and………..where necessary, just walk away from dominance, bullying, nagging and control.
Halloween is the night of the Dumb Supper=to sit at a table, with places laid for the ‘dead ones’, the Night of Ancestors, time to work with the energy, the spirit, the support of your ancestors……the dead. Ask, listen, do!
It is a time of release, of relief, of grief……time to let things die, not lie… rid of the rubbish hanging around your neck, pulling you down… better time will come than now….have it done before November is midway through.
DO….take action!
Throw out what has not worked and start anew.
Halloween is the night of Hecate at the crossroads.
Are you at a CROSSROADS? Ask the ancient ancestors for guidance……place copper and brass rounded ornaments in the northwestern feng shui sector of your home…add pewter, brushed steel, then….meditate in the northeastern sector of your home…….lighting eight red candles as you begin, and extinguishing them as you end.
Photos of good, strong, eccentric, admired ancient relatives can be displayed in the northwestern and northeastern sectors.
In the northern feng shui sector, symbols of circles, using evergreen plants, such as ivy stems can join together the northwest and northeast in strong protection to guide you away from this very difficult year and draining energy time.
Reach back in time as far as you can and let them advise and guide you.
In the southwestern feng shui sector, after November has begun, draw two interlocking circles, quite small, in seasalt, placing one piece of clear crystal quartz within each circle.
Now is the time of endings, of completed journeys…..enough is enough, time to move on, make time and make space for yourself. Love, and let go……be rid of decay, of rotting stenches. move on, move away…to new days!

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