Puppy dog yaps…..

Puppy dog yaps…..

Now in dog year, puppy chi energy yaps…..bouncy and curious.
Be unafraid, be bold, seek answers. Investigate.
Kindness and giving bring quick rewards.
Little acts of random kindness each day bring good karma.
Chi is rising, is supportive. Link your emotional, physical, love feng shui sector of the southwest to your spiritual feng shui sector of the northeast by using rich dark wine reds, silvery greys, toffee and fudge shades in those areas. Link them with these colours to bring stability and balance.
Everything is uncertain all the time…train the chi, within you, around you….so…..be a bold warrior not a weary worrier.
New year chi…..playful and helpful, go forward, climb hills, watch waterfalls, cross bridges….be a warm puppy, not a grumpy, snarly, smelly old dog. Smile and help.
Big love from Guru Geezer….good vibes are tingling and rippling.

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