The start of August heralds the first harvests, a time of ripening!
Lughnasadh, Sacred to the Celts, the Sun God….Lugh… of many skills.
Use your talents, use your skills, make a new CV, find a new pathway, a new job, a new career…..this is the right time, if you wish to.
Celebrate the August time, with simple rituals, traditional games, spend times with family and friends……go outdoors, light lanterns and bonfires.
This time of the growth chi cycle is a great time to gain new skills, enrol on courses, take advancement as part of what is needed.
Not only is this the time of gathering, it is also the time of cutting back……go simpler, see clearer.
The feng shui sector of the south, add reds, yellows, purples, in the northwest sector…add bronze, copper, silver, burnished steel.
Look ahead, not back…..see a pathway opening for the last five months of monkey year.
Think laterally, be as creative as you can……what was planted months ago……can now be harvested, rewards can be found, the tunnel, if you have been in one, has ended.
Slowly, surely, baby steps, move forward, this time is for you……
All good things, encircle the fire, three times widdershins…….watch the skies!
All good things

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