and so—the journey begins—

and so—the journey begins—

RAT—–may and june, significant changes, romance if you are not yet in a relationship! Sudden and exciting, the rising sun brings pleasure……a new way of ‘being in control’. Give thanks when thanks is due.
OX—–newness needed, but slowly slowly, ease away from past ways of working, and enter a new ‘office’, a new style, do not suffer fools/idiots, send them on their way. Be you, completely — just—YOU!
TIGER—–a grrrrrrreat new journey begins, with pleasure and smiles, but remember to use your smiles, not your claws.
Anger will produce more and more battles and disputes. Be patient, be honest, be sincere, and be good to loved ones.
RABBIT—–rewards come to you as the summer heats up, you get what you deserve at last, a comfortable new pathway lies before you, extensions, new connections, a new location for business–all new adventures pay dividends.
DRAGON—–prepare for next year now, cut away the rubbish, just leave the things that work and the things that you enjoy. Do not push, do not bully, just gently nudge your way forward
SNAKE—–stand firm, listen, but ensure that you are heard too……towards the end of the year, new ways and new agreements can be successful. Stay positive, show them that you know what you are talking about!
HORSE—–mighty horse, clear the decks, jump the fences–two good offers come your way—-work on newness, movement and change so that you may reap the full benefits over the next five years! A decisive time for you to get sorted, and this time, really get sorted, do not fool yourself, change pathways.
GOAT—–the next three years, creativity, change, a different location, all work well for you. Do not be a stick in the mud, otherwise you will sink down into the quicksand, get out, go, move–shift! Climb higher, see the panoramic view, not just tunnel vision.
MONKEY—–next year is the year for new, big projects; this year is the time to prepare for them. Open up, smile, now, say yes, let movement begin to happen; dissolve disputes. YES—moving to a new ‘location’ helped, now, open, wider, wider, to prevent decay! Say yes, giggles and laughter light your way.
COCKEREL—–someone is still fooling you, pulling the wool over your eyes. They do not deserve what you are giving them… your eyes, realise, become aware, and spare them no more, the autumn is the time to do it yourself, you are more than capable. Claim the centre stage, do not be sidelined, cock a doodle do……
DOG—–wow, what a year, all change, rearrange, but try not to wear yourself out, give thanks where it is due, wag your tail, show your loyalty and rewards will come. Exhaustion is your only enemy, if you overdo, you will suffer the consequences next year!
PIG—–next year sees great improvements, this year sees a great deal of hard work. Stay on task, ask for more, seek new responsibilities and be prepared to work a little longer at it than you first intended. Expand!

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