NEW MOON—-20th January

NEW MOON—-20th January

a new moon singing,
hear it coming towards us,,,,
time to plan, think, make lists,
then go to action after the 19th, and tick them off your list, some may even need rubbing out or crossing out.

New days, new ways, ready for Goat year, which comes in after the last new moon of horse year, 18th/19th February.

hear the songs, feel the vibes, watch the ripples spreading…… last new positive energy is providing support.
Change is needed, a different way of doing things, even a subtle change will work well, as we head to creativity, a time of bright colours, of artistic flamboyance, a time of adventures, of scaling mountains, of shouting from the rooftops.

The new year, beginning February 19th is goat year, also known as year of the ram, year of the sheep…….
Pastures new await—climb higher, see further, plan ahead, be fed with songs and art and poems and love,
All good things,

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