

the beginning of August heralds the first harvests……enjoy reaping your rewards, as long as you began new adventures in July, did you fly? or did you remain rooted to the spot?
Find ways to use all of your skills, if you are searching for new jobs/careers/ways of earning your living—-now is a good time.
If you need to move home/office/desks/furniture/decorate/add colours—-now is that time!

Celebrate the sun, look to the skies, open your eyes—NO! Really open your eyes, be aware that knots and complications are not the way——choose natural, choose simple, use outdoor spaces and meetings to tell the world about you and what you do, what you would like to do.
What new skills have you acquired this year? Now is the time to use them to the full.
Cut away dead wood! Celebrate triumphs and steps forward.
Eat good bread and cheese, feast on herbs and fresh tomatoes……..
smile to the heavens,
even through the rains,
hold the reins,
all good things,

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