Full Moon, 10 August, time to re-assess, time for change, time for movement

Full Moon, 10 August, time to re-assess, time for change, time for movement

This August full moon is the perfect time to hold the reins, ride your dragons, sort out the complications, untangle the knots!
On Paul’s website, go to the ‘STRESSBUST Your Life’ page,
use forty, short, life enhancing videos…..you select the ones you want——use them through your busy day, on tablet, mobile, laptop—– let them bring stillness, power, confidence, a daily tonic…….all of them are TOTALLY FREE, use them as many times as you wish, use them whenever you wish, martini meditation——anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
As you need them, use them………over and over again, to re-establish new mind patterns, break out of the old matrix, enter a new way of living, thinking, working, loving………..use the videos, change your ways, enhance your days, clear the daze, welcome all good things,

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