PAUL DARBY WORK–if you want something doing, ask a busy man/woman!

as well as lots of client calls/reading this week, I shall be working in Cambridgeshire Worcestershire and seeing Leonard Cohen in Birmingham. Then I am filming in Yorkshire, travelling to Leeds and Whitby, before work in Somerset later in the month, finishing off in central London…… ……busy times…but….. …..all good things,

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…..moves us into a very important stage of SNAKE year, a time to begin to implement change, a time when YOU become important, a time to move forward to a new chapter of your life, affecting the next three to six years. This phase of energy begins around the 5th of Sept and goes right […]

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Today, I have sat down and added loads of feng shui tips, interior design advice, advice on gardens, tips on using colours and even a little piece on finding a little peace through using special breathing, all good things PLEASE do visit my NEWS AND INFORMATION PAGE!

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SEPTEMBER–OCTOBER–NOVEMBER–snake year healing time

TIME–to ring some changes, move on– HEALING–the next three months are the perfect time to ‘let things happen’ New places, new people, new adventures, let them come into your life Open your arms, say YES!

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Terrific blasts and vomits of sun flares over weekend and next few days, causing a few communication probs, with mobiles in particular affected–delays and crossed wires/wifi; this huge sun burping is leading to big rises in energy, and will produce good vibrational stuff through Sept/Oct–especially good for monkey, goat and rat—Horses as well will pick […]

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PAUL DARBY—loads of lovely comments from clients, THANK YOU

It is tremendously boosting and rewarding to receive excellent feedback from clients, we receive loads about Paul== here are just a few, others are dotted around on the website, all good things ‘Amazing Paul—a more compassionate and wise man you could not wish to meet. Paul eats and breathes his talk, his philosophy. He is […]

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In September, I begin over a period of a number of weeks, to film a really exciting new filming project, concerning my ‘spiritual energy’ work, which all of you will be able to see, more to follow soon as the filming progresses– all good things indeed,

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HEALING–the guru geezer

more and more these days I am asked to do healing work, recently I have worked with two very poorly toddlers, who are now recovering very well indeed. This healing work and ‘life advice’ for my priority ‘gang’ of clients seems to be where most of my work time is spend. I have recently returned […]

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BIG energy change, metamorphosis, slough that skin

August full moon, links with sunflips of chi energy, strong sun flares, vibrational chi movement and waves and ‘flaming’ shooting stars bringing opportunities,,,,,,culminating at peak, 20/21st August and beyond. This powerful influence remains with us until mid November….., breathe, relax into deep experiences of breakthroughs and sensitive spiritual awareness abound. Stop rushing, stop being aggressive….. […]

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dowsing and cleansing in Zummerzet alongside me, my granddaughter and feng shui doc trainee, KEIRA all good things,

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