NOVEMBER is the time when the law will help the sincere and the righteous. The crafty ones will get cum-uppance, secrets will surface, the ‘law’ will sort things out. Yes, still slow, yes still ‘the devil is in the detail’, yes, you may still need to argue your case, BUT—November is a good time to […]

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I AM SO PLEASED, that so many of you are finding my stressbusting videos of use, thanks for telling me. November is coming, a real opportunity to change the way you feel, change the way you respond, change the way you live your life, be the driver–no longer a passenger, be assertive, and say NO […]

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NOVEMBER getting close, month of change–letting ‘things’ come towards you, Law will support you, if you stay simple, sincere and on ‘the straight and narrow’ Be ready for expansion, be ready to go for new ways, new days, but let natural justice prevail. Knots unravel, scars heal, wounds mend, be prepared to travel, be prepared […]

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please go to to see my stressbusting videos, videos on relaxation, quitting smoking, stopping anxiety, available on phone, laptop, tablet, PC—-whenever you need them! One to one help in small bites, from  me, at work, at home—-KEEP ON and CARRY CALM—–through your day! All good things, and DO tell your friends, thank you!

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EQ to all stand tall EQ from Paul EQ……

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MARTINI MEDITATION VIDEOS, on your phone, tablet, laptop and PC

….anytime, anyplace, anywhere..I can guide you through your day, A one to one life support system, to stressbust, to help you quite smoking, gain confidence, sleep better, reduce anxiety===through simple breathing techniques, moving meditation exercises QI GONG, and easy to use visualisation meditations, I can be there for you, exactly as the time you need […]

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SKYPE—services from the guru geezer PAUL DARBY

I am pleased to tell you that most of my services now are available through SKYPE. I have done ‘test runs/calls’ over the last few months and they work very well… from personal life support, to showing me round your home/office/garden to get feng shui advice, We can now talk–one to one–through SKYPE.. Details on […]

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Use your day, as energy changes, all good things,

chi energy change is stabilising as new refreshing vibrational resonances are coming in over the weekend. Do something new, expand your horizons, look to the sky, look to ancient wooded hills and sacred spaces.. go visit, feel the energy surge— all good things,

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my new self help stressbusting videos==help you do just that.. easy to follow, short bursts of calmness, guidance from me, whenever you need me available on your PC, tablet, laptop and mobile– The guru geezer is with you====so keep on and carry calm—- all good things,

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martini meditation, positive breathing–anytime, anyplace, anywhere

LAUNCH DATE VERY SOON NOW! my simple and easy to follow guide to stressbusting, ancient skills for modern living, simple solutions in a complex world, are to be available for PC, laptop, tablet and moby== you can carry me round with you everyday, and top up on CALMNESS whenever you wish! all good things

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