ch ch ch changes……. step forward, open all doors……

time is ripe now and through coming months to: *accept change *move locations and focus *do something different and new *apply for courses, new jobs *adventure *say YES more the new moon on the 25th August open doors, but, blow your own trumpet, tell the world do not be afraid to ask!!!! Hold the reins, […]

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page is turning, ready for learning?

the new chi chapter must now begin with or without you, you must decide, agt-pdx

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traumas of the past, childhood nastiness, all ‘early chapters’, nightmares can fade now as the super full moon chi, meteor showers pervade all, to shine, to sparkle—–bringing regeneration, bringing hope, bringing a pathway forward. Let the distant lands fade, and look ahead, the next few years bring opportunities for change, for revision, for smiles that […]

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UK, prepare for the weekend! Big chi whooshing in with the full moon, just before and just after, sweeping stuff away, take care out there, it certainly will ‘blow the cobwebs away’ this is needed at this time of new refreshing chi all good things, pdx

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see this page, view the videos, make that mindshift, lift your life, all good things, pdx

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Full Moon, 10 August, time to re-assess, time for change, time for movement

This August full moon is the perfect time to hold the reins, ride your dragons, sort out the complications, untangle the knots! On Paul’s website, go to the ‘STRESSBUST Your Life’ page, and, use forty, short, life enhancing videos… select the ones you want——use them through your busy day, on tablet, mobile, laptop—– let them […]

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stressbusting needed? confidence building? help to give up smoking? insomnia dissolving? there are over forty free small videos, enriching, easy to follow, able to help you through your day. Learn the basics of meditation, of qi gong…. go to and let the guru geezer talk you through your day, ancient skills for modern living….. […]

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time to go, time to move, time to set plans in motion! a new job, a resignation, a business plan, a new project, be creative, be intuitive, be ready to say YES Love can appear now at any time, Opportunities can knock Whispers can tempt Horse Year gallops Hold the reins, control your destiny, do […]

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by this light by this moon you will move across from stagnant past lands, where battles were fought you will move across a bridge of strength, where confidence is brought to you for you within you be ready to forge new ways be open to big new ideas be willing to smile and walk that […]

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new moon changes

horse year gallops, the only fear now is standing still move on look to a new pathway which winds ahead of you, crossing bridges, rising towards a sunset GO! all good things, pdx

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