The full moon of April is now with us, for the rest of the month, cleanse, purify, focus on establishing good relationships, go deeper, embrace, feel the love building, do not cause arguments, do not ‘make waves’—–as we head for Beltane….and ‘the summer of love’……
Beltane falls on the first day of May. Beltane is a fire festival, celebrate with a big bonfire on Beltane Eve, on the day before and then for six weeks, burn nine red candles in the feng shui southern sector of your home. Beltane is a word derived from a word for bright fire, make sure you shine brightly, let people know you are around, seek new opportunities! All you need is love, nice and easy does it every time, no rushing, go slowly, cuddles and kisses!
Tis a boisterous and bawdy holiday about abundance, enjoyment, fertility and love. It is a good time to deepen an existing relationship, or find a new one. Join together in love making to celebrate the passion, power and vigour of the new vibrational energy flooding in. Dance, sing, embrace, may your heart be filled with love.
Passion and purification by fire, increase the passion, dissolve the negativity, burn it away.
Sage, rosemary, cedar are good leaves to burn in the bonfire, in the red candles……cleanse the energy of your home.
Add two pink candles in the southwest feng shui sector of your home, tied together with a red ribbon, to symbolise couples….and….coupling!
all good things,

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