21st of December,,, Guru’s birthday,,,,,solstice—–yule.

21st of December,,, Guru’s birthday,,,,,solstice—–yule.

Step into the limelight!
Ward off the negative,,,welcome the positive. Healthchecks now are good, to be rid of fears and negativity,,,,then………proceed with caution, but check the fine details.
Great time for moves, changes, advances, expansions, career move plans, partnership plans. NOW until end of March 2016,,, but do check before you sign your name and commit.
Gather love around you……goodwill is shown, forgiveness and healing right now.
Bring greenery into the east, southeast and southern feng shui sectors to emphasise good health,,growth, to symbolise new life….here comes the sun.
Use bright fiery, sunny colours in the south—reds, yellow in the dining room.
Light nine red candles in the southern feng shui sector to connect strongly with the outside world and push creative projects forward…… be ready for monkey year, early February onwards…begin connecting and planning carefully now. The devil is in the detail.
Moves in anyway during monkey year—2016 are good and fruitful.
Yule, Solstice, 21st December is celebrated worldwide as a beacon of light and hope in the midst of darkness. Longest night of the year, the chi wheel turns, bringing goodness again from the barren land. The Goddess gives birth to infant energy,, growing rapidly, providing new ways forward. Evergreen boughs, mistletoe, holly, bring growth, rising energy and protection…sunrise is a magical time, to face east and make your wishes.
May the light be ever with you.
Family relationships can be mended now,,, if you wish.
Dec 21st…Paul Darby’s 66th birthday….hurrahs and much merriment, dancing and giggles,
celebrate and play!

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