Monthly Archives: November 2014

WINTER SOLSTICE—21ST DECEMBER, the guru geezer’s birthday……..

As December approaches, let rituals guide you—–visit ancient holy places, splash your hair and face with sea water, cross a small bridge, bring red berries and evergreens into the home, into the east and southeast sectors. Deck the halls with lights to show hope, to push back the darkness. The Winter Solstice is a time […]

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LONG NIGHTS MOON…full moon…..6th December 2014, year of the horse……

To the Cherokee, December’s full moon is the Snow Moon. In southern regions, rare snowfall, precious rain, occurs sometimes at this time of year. The Choctaw refer to the full moon in December as the Peach Moon, to the Dakota Sioux, it is simply the twelfth moon. December marks the onset of winter, the world […]

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The darkness is with us this time of year, we need to remind ourselves of the light. Bonfires, candles, evergreens…… red candles in the south and northeastern sectors of the home, evergreens in the east and southeast…. We now are ready to enter the Celtic month of elder. Elder month is the time to examine […]

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Paul has just been seen on ITV–GOOD MORNING BRITAIN, and next week, from the 11th onwards, at 5.35 in the morning, he returns to channel 5 with his show HOUSEBUSTERS……..houses with very strange energies which Paul refreshes using feng shui and good interior design. You can see excerpts from these shows on MEDIA page at […]

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