MABON……night and day……..September on the horizon.

MABON……night and day……..September on the horizon.

29th of August, full moon settling…leads into September…a time of MABON…..the autumn equinox, counterbalance to Ostara [Easter and birth]. Once again, the wheel of time is moving round, so that night and day are equal, and very soon, the seesaw chi tips towards night more than day. Good energy times in September and October, to ask questions, research answers, move on……gather the fruits of your labour, a time of ‘second harvest’, another chance to attract in what you wish and to cut away what is no longer of use/necessary. Chi change comes, energy turns, reflect on what has fallen out of balance, mistakes made, and ensure now that the balance is right ready to move into the yin/dark portion of the year.
Balance, perfect, stand—use yoga, tai chi, qi gong, base rituals around circles/within circles, under dusky skies.
Celebrate in September with family and friends, outside whenever you can, at midday, at dusk, give thanks and smile—–take a few minutes to share your gratitude with those gathered. Let newness come now, but do not rush or leap towards it, time for that soon enough in 2016, Monkey Year.
Ask now for simple clarity, to see the path ahead, as the light fades–sacrifice any enduring complications, live simply to simply live. Soon whispers and knocks will be heard…..ponder the yonder, celebrate the now.
All good things.

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