Paul Darby feng shui

To see more about me, my work and my book THE FENG SHUI DOCTOR …put Paul Darby feng shui into Google search. Loads of stuff will then come up , including lots of free advice and info. All good things … Enjoy.

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The Awakening of The Insects

Here in the U.K.,after a very cold spell to symbolise new starts and refreshment comes the vibrating chi time known in feng shui as…..the awakening of the insects. Warmth, rising energy, buzzing and vibrations…signalling a great time for new beginnings and unexpected opportunities. Say YES and move slowly forward. In your feng shui sectors of […]

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Puppy dog yaps…..

Now in dog year, puppy chi energy yaps…..bouncy and curious. Be unafraid, be bold, seek answers. Investigate. Kindness and giving bring quick rewards. Little acts of random kindness each day bring good karma. Chi is rising, is supportive. Link your emotional, physical, love feng shui sector of the southwest to your spiritual feng shui sector […]

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February 16th 2018…..start of Dog Year.

2017 was cockerel year, a time for big changes, moves, new chapters. 2018…..Now dog year begins, a time for making wishlists, a time for a focus on the finer details. April, August, October are exceptionally good energy months, small subtle changes and little deals much better now than big ones. 2019, pig year…..focus on personal […]

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CHANGE OF SEASONS….for us, late winter…early spring. See the flowers, watch the sky.

The first snowdrops lift the chi, spring is on its way. Bees are awakening from hibernation, the wheel of fertility begins to turn. Soon the celandine will appear, warm yellow, to welcome the sun. Wood anemones soon, first narcissus push outwards. Cockerel year, full of energy, encourages you to ask for newness, ask for more, […]

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SOLMONAP………mud month

The name comes from the old English word for mud……Saint Bede recorded that this is the time to make smallcake offerings to the land, freshly ploughed/dug. It marks the end of Yuletide, and the stirrings of Spring, a change of seasons, a change of chi energy…after the 11 February, the Woif/Snow Moon. Light eight white […]

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HEMATITE……..strength and protection

Hematite is a metallic iron ore. It is said to have been used by warriors to help them succeed in battle. In hard times, at times of stress, pressure….interviews, presentations, and worse…..use for strength, power and balance. Carry it in a left hand side pocket, or place near your bed, or under your pillow. The […]

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COCKEREL YEAR BEGINS…..JANUARY 28TH 2017….gung hai fa choi…….

Cockerel year is a time for looking forward…..onward and upward. Watch the small detail though, and take no financial risks early in the year! Politically and domestically, this is a year for the downtrodden to make their voices heard…say exactly what you want. It is the perfect year, especially spring and summer to expand, retire, […]

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AEFTERRA GEOLA [late yule]

The first few weeks after the winter solstice are called late yule in Old English/Pagan. Prepare plans and lists for the coming new year, begin to put them into operation in March/April. Bless the Plough, prepare new ground, scatter new seeds. Dig over a patch of soil, renew vows, polish brass and copper….be prepared, as […]

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snowflake obsidian

Snowflake obsidian is the symbol of coming out ‘of a long dark tunnel, into the refreshing new light’. This stone can be placed in the feng shui sectors of the west——new phase beginning, place seven small snowflake obsidian stones there, raising the chi energy, and place one in the northwest sector…..sector of helpful people, important […]

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